Press on page subjects here:
Good Messages on certain subjects - but not endorsing or approving the ministers (all links)
Of the nationwide church bodies in the USA, these have the fewest false teachings ELS OPC
But even with conservative ministers, very few accept the Entirety of God's Word,
and in order to keep membership numbers, most will reject the Lord in His clear commands of prohibitions of divorce after joined together; marrying a divorced woman; swearing; using heathen courts against a believer instead of Matt 18 mediation; the false Baptist teaching of always saved before the age of heaven or absolution of an entire church who reads a confession - without godly repentance.
Links to other Sermons and Videos:
The sermon title is the link to press
God's Pattern for Wives 2A Eph5.22
God's Plan for Women Titus2.3-5
Divorce and Remarriage is Adultery, Here is Why ...
Believers before the world's court 1Cor6.1-11
Heathen Courts
Common Sins of Rulers 1Sam13,15
Spreading God's Word
The Verse that Unbelievers Love to Quote Matt7.1